Cosmetic dentistry Hendersonville for an extreme smile makeover. Gum recontouring reshapes the gums so that tooth structure that should be showing, is actually showing. Often, the patient’s teeth appear to be too small. Simply uncovering the hidden tooth structure makes an immediate and amazing difference. The procedure is rather simple and is done in our office located in Hendersonville.
Gum recontouring is a safe, comfortable procedure for the patient. And although it may sound painful there is little to no discomfort after the procedure. I have never had anyone require pain medication after this procedure.
At the beginning of the procedure, Dr. Weaver will first numb your gums with an anesthetic. Then, with a diode laser, will gently reshape the gum line, sculpting excessive and uneven tissue. The laser immediately seals the tissue, promoting a fast, comfortable recuperation.
The gum recontouring procedure itself is completely painless, since we will use a numbing agent on the gums to eliminate pain. You do not need to take time off from work or school in order to recover. If you have any questions, many of our staff or their children have had this procedure performed on them. They can address any concerns or questions you may have with first-hand experience.
At Dream Dental in Hendersonville, we’ve treated patients from all over the Nashville area – including Goodlettsville, White House, Madison, Hendersonville, Gallatin and beyond! Give us a call today and soon you will be waking up to a new smile!